love could be like an addiction
it’s like being obsessed with you
sticking with you like a glue

love could be like a sin that spun
I know some bumpy rides ahead
of course, promises were misled

for sure, we’ve got a lot of fun
are we in or out, out or in?
argue, scream, bellow or grin

I always ask what I have done
and you just kept quiet then left
mutely crept in the night like theft

I’ve cried, you’ve made my heart broken
not just once, again and again
you’ve left me alone in the glen



3 responses to “Day 22 #Loveuary❤ – Love could be like an addiction”

  1. […] Erika, Willow, Rich, Syl, Ladylee, ShanJeniah, Tim, Shiva, Robbie, Sangbad, Anisha, […]

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