Image credit; Michael Dziedzic Unsplash

For the visually challenged reader, this image shows a mechanical mask held by a metal hand. Both the eyes are staring in different directions.

Now you see me, now you do not
A fantasy, I’m sure it’s naught
With my mask I could be elsewhere
Look! Everyone’s here to stare
Tell you what, I think I could go around the plot

I drew an enormous green head
With my long jacket as I sped
Wrote my name in one minute flat
Did not have time to have our chat
I was in a hurry to bake my gingerbread

Painting my mask is such a treat
Pretending is such a new feat
All the things I need for new me
Don’t be scared or angry*


How many masks do we wear?
Are we aware?
Some roles we play
Any which way

Do we wear them with delight?
Do we fight?
What we portray
On our pathway

Can we leave our masks behind?
Not be unkind
Be who we are

no one truly knows the real me
I may be glad, I may be sad
archer, dancer or doctor
black painted on my face
could be anyone
or be someone
real me


What waits in the darkness I ask
Behind the mask
What is real
Dancing a reel

Fantasy world and all the dreams
And full of beams
In a child’s mind
They’re all combined

Wish I could fly free as a bird
The world is blurred
Each breath I take
Feeling I shake***

***minute poem

Image by anncapictures from Pixabay


3 responses to “What do you see # 242- June 24th – My masks”

  1. A beautiful collection of poems, exploring the many aspects of mask wearing. Thank you Lee for joining in

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A beautiful collection of different types of masks. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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