The tapestry of life
The veiled truth sparkles
Sad when we’re in strife
Why can’t you see my angle?

Ignorant to be precise
Shining in lightness
Searching for a paradise
Instead of one in bleakness

A mutable cuttlefish
Flaking in the sea
Don’t be so childish
Otherwise I’ll flee

Such a grey existence
As the bee buzzes
Can I survive in your absence?
Don’t know what’s the fuzz?

Can we make it rosy?
The shadows of the past
I say with a plea
Let’s give it a blast

For: FOWC with Fandango — Precise – This, That, and the Other (

2 responses to “FOWC with Fandango — Precise”

  1. amazing, so, so good! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank 😊 you, Carol anne ❤️


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