
After the cloudburst this afternoon
And the gladiola started blooming
No more slovenly living, we’re free

With straight posture, we become aware
Shake all the suffering and tenets
After the cloudburst this afternoon

No longer immured from miseries
We lifted our wings, radiating defiance
And the gladiola started blooming

Our galimatias we keep forever
Hereafter we’ll try to make it better
No more slovenly living, we’re free*

(c) ladyleemanila 2017

* Cascade, a form created by Udit Bhatia, is all about receptiveness, but in a smooth cascading way like a waterfall. The poem does not have any rhyme scheme; therefore, the layout is simple. Say the first verse has three lines. Line one of verse one becomes the last line of verse two. To follow in suit, the second line of verse one becomes the last line of verse three. The third line of verse one now becomes the last line of verse four, the last stanza of the poem. See the structure example below:

a/b/c, d/e/A, f/g/B, h/i/C


For: Thursday photo prompt – Flight – #writephoto, Wordle #161


12 responses to “Thursday photo prompt – Flight – #writephoto”

  1. Beautiful poem. I love your take on the prompt. 🙂

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  2. […] Continue reading: Thursday photo prompt – Flight – #writephoto – Ladyleemanila […]

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  3. This is lovely, Lady Lee… simplicity in motion 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you, Sue 🙂

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  4. scribblersdip

    Hi LadyLee 🙂
    Thanks for playing the wordle this week – and using it in most excellent form, in combination with the image – and how wonderful – a cascading poem – it really reinforces the effects and essences – which works so well here 🙂 Great job 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. my pleasure, scribblersdip 🙂

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